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Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Chrome's voice recognition get exploited

09:16 // by Unknown // // No comments

Cyber attackers have found a way to use the speech recognition feature in Chrome to spy on ordinary users of the worldwide web. They managed to switch on a microphone using bugs in the Google Chrome browser. The exploit was discovered by one of the developers, who found it when working on a popular JavaScript Speech Recognition library. This allowed the developer to find many bugs in the browser and to come up with an exploit which combines...

Tuesday, 28 January 2014


06:29 // by Unknown // , // No comments

Say goodbye to static wallpapers and the new trendy Live wallpapers to get your Android Device a new look. After looking to your device screen you'll definitely say WOW. And they can be installed on the lower version of android from 2.1 to the latest android version. They are incredibly eye-catching, providing attractive backgrounds that feature everything from simplistically-colored textures to quirky spaceships quietly chugging through dense...

Monday, 27 January 2014

Now you can play Asphalt 8: Airborne on Windows 8

08:21 // by Unknown // , // No comments

After getting a great respone from the Play Store , Asphalt 8:Airborne has arrived in Windows 8 Store. Asphalt 8 was very well received by critics. The iOS version holds an aggregate score of 91 out of 100 on Metacritic, based on seventeen reviews, and a score of 92.33% on GameRankings, based on twelve reviews. Asphalt 8 is the first game in the Asphalt series to use Game Center for achievements rather than Gameloft's own Gameloft Live. There...

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Some WhatsApp Alternatives For Your Smartphone !

03:48 // by Unknown // // No comments

Are you a WhatsApp user whether on Iphone or Android ? Than you should be known that it provides you a free trail of one year, after that you need to pay a annual fee of 0.99$ for there service to the users. Why you pay money for messaging when you have free messaging alternatives for that. We are showing you some alternative's of WhatsApp, trry these. 1. Viber Viber is very similar to WhatsApp as it uses mobile contact numbers...

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Why you should upgrade to windows8.1

06:56 // by Unknown // // No comments

If you haven't installed the final version of windows8.1 till now, than its time to upgrade to windows 8.1. There are some reasons you should make a step. Start Screen It has got a new metro app view which doesn't look messy like that in windows 8, in windows8.1 you can keep the most useful app in on the top of the screen and rest all the apps will go to the downward screen, as this option is not available in windows8. You can change...

Monday, 20 January 2014

Forget your smartphione in train? Forget your phone insurance

08:50 // by Unknown // No comments

  With even middle-class consumers willing to spend a month's salary on a high-end mobile handset, there is a growing interest in insuring smartphones. However, many consumers are discovering to their chagrin that one of the most common ways of losing the handset—leaving it behind in public transport or a public place—is not covered. "Our experience is that customers are moving up the value chain and the phone is no longer a mere...